
Globally, Waterfront Properties Enjoy a 118 Percent Price Premium in 2023

Based on Knight Frank's 2023 Global Waterfront Index, waterfront property generated a 118% premium on average around the world, down only marginally from 121% last year, as Sydney retains the top spot.

North American Multifamily Market Begins to Stabilize in Q1

Based on CBRE's latest research, the U.S. multifamily sector is beginning to stabilize as vacancy rate expansion and negative absorption ease -- trends that are expected to continue in 2023.

U.S. Tech Industry Office Leasing Pace Slowed in 2022 to Lowest Share in 5 Years

According to CBRE's annual Tech-30 report, the tech industry's share of U.S. office-leasing activity slipped in the first half of 2022 to its lowest share in five years.

U.S. Tech Industry's Office Leasing Activity Slows to Lowest Levels in 5 Years

According to CBRE's annual Tech-30 report, the tech industry's share of U.S. office-leasing activity slipped in the first half of this year to its lowest share in five years. 

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